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Susanne Gemmer
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Susanne Gemmer

Susanne Gemmer (1967), full-time visual artist

I have exhibited in a large number of Art associations, censored exhibitions, art fairs, companies and galleries and occacionally I act as a teacher and supervisor within Art.

My Art is mainly abstract and expressive, built up of a large nummer of repeating layers, sometimes with handmade Paper in the lower layers. I work very intuitively in the process and do not allow myself to be limited, instead I force myself to stay in the process for a long time, even if it sometimes creates unrest, frustration and doubt.

At some point in the process, I feel that the 'battle' between the canvas and me is losing its grip, and I surrender to keeping an eye on the goal, and a form of calm and balance must often be created, while at the same time there must be drama and dynamics. A 'story' that the viewer should be able to feel and feel through colors and form.

Susanne Gemmer
Danish Artist

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Mine værker

Filled with Energy af Susanne Gemmer
110⨯100 cm (H⨯W)
Ice Man af Susanne Gemmer
110⨯100 cm (H⨯W)
8.800 DKK
Blue Notes and the Dolphin af Susanne Gemmer
100⨯100 cm (H⨯W)
8.000 DKK
No Words needed af Susanne Gemmer
110⨯100 cm (H⨯W)
8.800 DKK
Red Zone af Susanne Gemmer
60⨯60 cm (H⨯W)
2.800 DKK
Balance within af Susanne Gemmer
60⨯60 cm (H⨯W)
4.000 DKK
Den aller sidste sang af Susanne Gemmer
100⨯80 cm (H⨯W)
8.000 DKK
Pale  Rose for my Sweetheart af Susanne Gemmer
100⨯100 cm (H⨯W)
8.000 DKK
Flying like an Eagle af Susanne Gemmer
110⨯140 cm (H⨯W)
9.500 DKK
Samhørighed af Susanne Gemmer
100⨯80 cm (H⨯W)
Orange matters af Susanne Gemmer
110⨯100 cm (H⨯W)
8.800 DKK
Urkvinden i nutidsform af Susanne Gemmer
100⨯100 cm (H⨯W)
8.000 DKK
Light within af Susanne Gemmer
100⨯100 cm (H⨯W)
8.000 DKK
Earthly Energy af Susanne Gemmer
110⨯110 cm (H⨯W)
9.500 DKK
Power Princess af Susanne Gemmer
110⨯110 cm (H⨯W)
Positive Energies af Susanne Gemmer
100⨯120 cm (H⨯W)
7.000 DKK
Fifty Shades af Susanne Gemmer
150⨯120 cm (H⨯W)
Feel Free af Susanne Gemmer
110⨯100 cm (H⨯W)
8.000 DKK
Gemmer#7 af Susanne Gemmer
40⨯40 cm (H⨯W)
2.000 DKK
Back to Blues af Susanne Gemmer
100⨯100 cm (H⨯W)
Indsigt giver udsyn af Susanne Gemmer
110⨯100 cm (H⨯W)

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